Top 6 Best Google Adsense Alternatives to Make Money with Blogs 2017

Got Rejected or banned in Adsesne? Sad but
don’t you worry. In this article, I have
covered some of the best Google Adsense
Alternatives which you can use to make
money even if failed to get adsesne account
or banned.

No doubt, Adsense is one of the most preferred choices of
bloggers when it comes to making money by monetizing their blog
contents and traffic. In fact, when I start this blog, I had only
Adsense in my mind to earn some money online:) Also, it’s one
of the best and high paying CPC advertising network. There are
many advertising programs are available on the net, but no one
got success over it yet.
That is why bloggers should know about adsense if they want to
generate some real money. Adsense is number one in the list of
monetizing networks due to their high paying C.P.C (cost per
click) rates as I mentioned above. It is another reason that’s why
blog owners struggle to get approval for Adsense account.
But, here is the problem. Adsense policies and rules for getting
permission to place their ads on your site are very strict.
So, many bloggers often fail to approve their account. [By the
way, I was failed two times and on the third apply, boom I
accepted ]. But Often blogger successfully approves their website
and got publisher account.
After getting the access to place ads, being banned is another
reason and a big problem in adsesne. They even don’t notify you
why and which ToS you violated. All the hard earned money also
reversed to advertisers.
It’s happened many times, and I have seen many bloggers on the
internet who claims that their account got banned without any
reason. So you should know some Best Google Adsense
Alternatives if unluckily your Adsense account got banned
and to keep earning recurring income.
Top 6 Best Google Adsense Alternatives
to Make Money with Blogs
Following are the some best alternatives to adsense
that pay good CPC and CPM rates to earn a
healthy income.

1. BuySellAds

Buysellads was founded in 2008 by Tod Garland takes first place
in the list of best adsense alternatives. Personally, I recommend
this fast growing network if your site has massive traffic(at
least 50,000 UV’s per month). You can offer different ad slots
on your site at your desired price for 30 days. You can also
earn money by twitting and RSS feeds through Buysellads. BSA
impression based ad network and you don’t need click for
generating revenue like adsense.
If your website is getting enough traffic, then this one is an
excellent Adsense alternative for you. Many bloggers are making
huge income from this network even some sites which have only
40k traffic are making around $400 per month easily. If you
have adsense account also, you can use both of these networks
for monetizing. And you don’t need to register in any other
advertising program because from these two platforms you can
earn lots of money.CLICK HERE TO VISIT


This program is powered by Yahoo Bing Network.
To work with this program, the majority of your site visitors
must come from US, UK, and Canada. Also, your blog must
have quality content written in English, Good traffic, and good
site design.
I recently applied for and got approval for placing ads
on MyTipsHub. After using it for 2~3 days, I received
tremendous results and earned 3x more than adsense. Though,
they recommend place ads at least for 20 days to better under
your site traffic for showing most related ads.
The most impressive thing about this network is after
approval you will get an account manager, who’ll help you
understanding and guide about ads placing as well as recommend
necessary things to do for making maximum revenue.CLICK HERE TO VISIT

3. Tribal Fusion

Tribal Fusion is also an excellent Google adsense alternative to
earn good revenue from your blog. Tribal fusion rules are also
very strict like adsense; your site must have unique contents and
huge page views per month to get approval for this program.
If you want to get registered your site on this network, then
your site must have 5000 visits per day and minimum 100,000
page views per month. Your website should have quality & unique
contents that provide better user experience and must update on
regular basis. You can earn upto 55% advertisements revenue
from tribal fusion.CLICK HERE TO VISIT

4. Chitika

Chitika Similar to Adsense
Chitika means “in a snap” and it is another CPC based paying
network like adsense. Chitika was founded in 2003 by co-
founders Venkat Kolluri and Alden DoRosarioand. Anyone can
easily approve their account with this network if he/she is not
violating any term of service. Also, their ToS are not much strict
than compared to BSA and Adsense.
You can block advertisements by entering keywords in your Chitika
account that not suits your blog content or niche. They have won
many awards in the last 11 serving years. In my experience, they
pay very lowest CPC rates and it is almost impossible to earn
significant income.
The minimum payout is $10 for PayPal and $50 for wire
transfer. This monetizing program is best for beginner’s or
starters due to the lowest limit of payout because making $100
as a newbie is not an easy job. But, definitely you can easily
make $10, Am I right?. CLICK HERE TO VISIT

5. Infolinks

Infolinks (In-Text-Ads) found in 2007 by Davidovich and Oren
Dobronsky, is known as best advertising network in the category
of text-based ads because their ad rates are much higher than
anyone else. Infolinks ads will be shown within your site content/
blog post and specific keywords linked with advertisements that
are picked by advertisers for monetizing.
You can use different ad styles such as In-frame, In-search, In-
tag and In-text on your site to maximize earning. If you want to
make big with this network, then use high paying keywords in
your blog posts.CLICK HERE TO VISIT

6. Clicksor

Clicksor is an online contextual monetizing program which you can
use as adsense alternative. It was founded in 1999. Contextual
advertising network shows ads that are most related to the
publisher site contents. You can earn with clicksor using CPC
(Cost per Click), CPM (Cost per thousand impressions) ads,
etc. When your earned money reaches to $50, they will transfer
it via Paypal to your account or through cheque. If you refer
someone, you will get 20% commission from clicksor as a

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