New WhatsApp set of EMOJI (See Photos)

Whatsapp has introduced its own emoji set, which is currently
available to all Whatsapp Beta users. This new emoji set is
currently in Beta testing and would soon be available on the
regular Whatsapp version on Playstore.
If you ain't new to Whatsapp, you would noticed that Whatsapp
uses iOS emoji styles in all its versions, be it Android, windows,
blackberry and other operating systems. They all make use of the
same iOS emoji styles.

The news now is that, Whatsapp now has its own emoji smileys.
It doesn't depend on iOS emojis anymore. The feature is currently
available on Whatsapp Beta version for Android v2.17.364.
If you look closely, you would see that the emoji looks very much
like iOS emojis. The eyes and mouths of the smileys are one of
the differences. The animal emoji are all facing different direction.
Below are some of the Before and After emoji of Whatsapp.

Another addition is the support for Emoji 5.0, the latest version
approved by Unicode and it includes fantasy emojis.

This is really a welcome development and a good one from the

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